For details on how to contact the committee, see contact the committee.
Committee Positions
Role Descriptions

Phil Thompson
The function of the Chairman (male or female) is to lead the BOA and to ensure as far as is reasonably practicable that its aims are properly represented and followed at all levels within the sport both in the UK and overseas. The Chairman is the figure-head and spokesperson for the BOA and is accountable for ensuring democracy, good governance, the constitution is followed, agreeing meeting agendas, meetings are properly organised, setting priorities and guiding the Committee in the execution of their own duties. The Chairman will usually take the chair at BOA Committee meetings and will have one Committee vote along with the rest of the Committee, but at times of equal votes will have a deciding or casting vote to resolve an issue.

Matt Nunn
The Vice Chairman shall carry out any of the duties of the Chairman in the absence of the principal post holder and will assist and support the committee in any other duties not allocated to another official. They should act at as the “critical friend” to the chair, ensuring checks & balances are in place.

Samantha Marlowe
The Secretary is responsible for agreeing meeting agendas with the Chairman and for circulating notices of all meetings to the membership in a timely fashion. They will arrange for all meetings to be minuted and for the minutes to be circulated to all members in collaboration with the comms manager(s). The Secretary will arrange a date and venue and circulate notice for the Annual General Meeting (and EGM) within the time frame required by the constitution to allow sufficient time for any motions submitted by the members to be advised to the membership.

Peter Hornby
The Treasurer is responsible for the collection and banking of all monies owing to the BOA and the prompt settlement of any monies owed. They will maintain the accounts of the BOA and will arrange for these to be independently audited annually prior to the AGM. The Treasurer will advise the committee annually of any changes that may be considered necessary to the annual subscriptions or charges for membership services that may be required to maintain the accounts in balance and free of debt. They also support the squads managers to ensure budgets are ring-fenced. Control online access to the bank accounts.

Angela Adams
The Membership Secretary will maintain a current and accurate list of members of the BOA using the online database, and is responsible for advising the members annually of the required subscriptions, and for liaison with the Treasurer to ensure that due payments are made, they will work with administrator to ensure fees are collected and profiles are kept up to date in line with GDPR, answer queries from members and manage DBS checks (along with the welfare officer).

Ryan Mason
The Shop Manager is responsible for developing the shop and the products sold, (including pick, pack & distribution) and to ensure its smooth operation and financial stability, they deal with all customer orders & returns, order replacement stock and develop new lines as necessary, update the website and ensure it is maintained and secure, they also facilitate the physical presence of stock at domestic competitions.

Damien McNulty
The Chief National Referee will review the UK underwater hockey rules on an annual basis and make recommendations to the BOA committee for any changes necessary.The Chief Referee will oversee the ongoing training of referees and will advise the committee on all refereeing matters. They are responsible for liaising with the competitions manager to provide referees for national tournaments. They work with CMAS Referee council. Maintain the referee log and qualification database, ensure BOA game sheets are completed and records maintained. In addition comply with the requirements detailed in the BOA Referee Council Document.[posisition elected by the our referee cohourt]

Richard Adams
Squads Manager, to develop our National athlete programme from grass roots to masters, with a focus on acheiving gold medal podioum positions at international events, working with the team coaches and managers [posisition elected by the our coaches and team captains cohourt]

Cameron Sleeth
The Competitions Manager will make arrangements for national tournaments, liaising with the National Referee, Treasurer and any other BOA officers as necessary. This includes junior, youth, single sex and mixed competitions during the season at regional and national levels.

Jo Pitchforth
Sport Development is the point of contact for trials, developing new clubs and initiatives to encourage growth in the sport. Dealing with enquiries for promotions, advertising and fundraising the SDO has a very diverse role. Many others at clubs throughout the country are developing the sport and are involved, directly or indirectly, in making the work of the SDO a success. They also control the loan of our New Starter kits.

Phil Thompson
Our Welfare Office is responsible for ensuring that safety, welfare and protection of the vulnerable is always upheld, in both our policies, procedures and practical aspects of governance at both association and club level. They also work with other officers to validate DBS checks

Joe Hartley
The Webmaster is responsible for the developement and management of the BOA website, the site is currently maintained by a third party, if you have any problems using the site, or wish to offer improvements, please contact the webmaster.

Laura Moss
Our Comms Manager looks after the various communication channels including social networking, creating news items. This involves liaising with other BOA officers and club members to source current issues including local club news, aspects of playing, foreign news, rule updates and competitions.

Liam Shore
The Student Representative will liaise between students and the BOA to find ways to forge closer links and to tap the huge potential for new members from student groups.