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BOA Member Registration

Custodian with junior members

To register junior members we ask that you also register as a custodian. If you do not wish to join as a player, please choose "Associate" as your membership type.

As the custodian of a junior account you are responsible for their account and data until they reach the age of 16. Please see our Privacy Policy for more details.

Not registering any juniors? Click here to register as an adult (16+) instead.

Custodian details

Contact Details

We'll send an email verification link to this address on registration.

Your membership

Password requirements: Passwords must be 6 characters long and also include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number.

What is Adult membership? This membership is the most common type and is available to all persons 16 and above.
What is Student membership? This membership is available to all students who are in full time education (written proof required).
What is Junior membership? This membership is only available to persons under 16 years of age.
What is Associate membership? This membership is for non-players wishing to support the BOA, their club and/or be the custodian of a junior account.

Don't have a club yet? You'll need to be associated with a club before you register as a member - if you wish to start your own team, please create a new club first.

Medical Declaration

You must read the Medical Declaration Information before completing the declaration below.

To the best of my knowledge, I certify that I/the applicant (if under 18 years of age) has not in the past suffered from any of the conditions mentioned in the indented paragraph above. (In the event that you/the applicant has one of these or any other medical problems, they should be declared to the BOA by checking the appropriate box below and the opinion of a Medical Referee will be required before membership begins. Should there be any change in the applicant's health, he/she is advised to seek an informed medical opinion concerning current fitness for underwater hockey participation).

No Juniors added

BOA Membership Agreement

I acknowledge that I undertake Underwater Hockey (Octopush) and its associated activities at my own risk and responsibility.

By registering for any Membership you agree to allow BOA to process and store your submitted data for the purposes of membership, renewal and all other required BOA processes.

Your data is protected under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and it is illegal for your information to be passed on to a third party without your written consent. The BOA has also registered with the Information Commission, our number is Z9216377.

For more information please visit